Sunday, March 18, 2007


Today I drove to Ace Hardware after church
for the third Sunday in a row.

Two weeks ago I needed nails to hang
the stuff in my apartment.

Last weekend I needed to return nails I didn't use.

While there last weekend, the saleslady and I
began discussing spring plantings.

I told her that Daddy had given me three
different types of ornamental peppers last year
and that I was eager to plant the seed this spring.

She asked for some seed if I had extra.

And, of course, I can always share!!!

So I took her some seed and purchased
myself an indoor seed starter kit today.

Here is a shot of Day 1.

One note:
If you play with pepper seed pods before church,
be sure to wash your hands thoroughly.
Otherwise, when you rub your eyes to stay
awake, the rest of the parishoners will think
you're having a Holy Ghost fit!!!

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