Friday, August 24, 2007

Columbus Zoo 3

NOTE: This blog is a continuation of my
visit to the Columbus Zoo last Saturday.
This is a sculpture of Colo,
the grandmother of the zoo's
gorilla family.
I overheard someone say
she only died recently.
A mom and her baby...

This is a three-year-old,
and he's quite the card!

Gorillas always seem so sad to me...

I love the sign posted here:
"Gorillas Can Slap The Glass.
You May Not. Thank You."

Other apes, but not gorillas...

Of course, these are my favorite
members of the ape family--
the Bonobos!

When presented with a tense
situation, they resort to a natural

I looks like they never
get upset: they sleep a lot! example of releasing...uh, tension... :)

"When I was a young warthog..."
Okay, so he's not a warthog,
but he is in the swine family.
Gotta love those zebra legs, Ms. Okapi...

Great plaque...
"Unity in Diversity"

This is the entrance to
Islands of Southeast Asia.

Next trip, I'm taking the boat!


I'm glad the orangutans had
room to roam, but it made
viewing them difficult since
they stay along the back wall.

I'm glad I captured a shot of
these sea otters since I
missed their cousins the
river otters at the end of
today's journey.
These black swans were eating
food from the hole in the fake trunk.

Komodo dragon...

According to the website,
the lorikeets are an exhibit
you have to pay to enter.
I don't think they were
charging today however...

O'Shaughnessy Dam
A couple of wood ducks,
a seagull, and a dead fish...

We were allowed to be inside
the exhibit with the kangaroos, too!

Who doesn't love koalas!

A mama and her baby...
so sweet!
This was an open-air aviary.
I have no clue what kind of
birds these are...

On to the Manatee Coast!

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