Monday, April 20, 2009

April 18, 2009 - Stop 4: Cedar Bog 1

For my last stop of the day,
I left Miami County and traveled
about 40 miles east to Urbana
and the Cedar Bog Nature Preserve.
When I read bog, I thought swamp,
which was not a fair assessment of
the environment. Cedar Bog--which
should have been named Cedar Fen--
is a fresh water fen that is unlike
any other ecosystem in Ohio.
Many rare and unusual species of
plantlife and animals can be found here.
From one of their own brochures
comes this estimate:
"The winding wooded trail that takes
you through the Preserve was
constructed in 1986 at a cost of
$72,500. Lumber alone was $27,500."
Research tells me that lumber
is roughly twice that cost today,
so the boardwalk would cost
$145,000 to build today; further,
it is my estimate that the walk
covers only about 1.5 miles.

You don't have to tell me twice!
Ever seen the movie
The Princess Bride?
Look familar?
Wow! I wonder what this is...
And this...its leaves look like geraniums.
The bright yellows and greens in
this dark woods were brilliant!
AH! Someone just passed by and was
commenting on the skunk cabbage,

but I still don't know what the one

with the yellow flowers is...

I've never had an allergic reaction to
poison ivy; regardless, I'm not going
to give poison sumac a try.

How odd...I wonder if the bottoms of
these trees don't get enough sunlight.
And I thought this was dead grass!

This is the East Branch of Cedar Run.
I'm thinking the mosquitos must be
horrible in mid-summer!

Oooo...I'd love to see one of these
turtles...but I didn't.

Skunk cabbage, huh?
Such an unflattering name
for such a lovely shade of green...
I'll continue the photos for this
fen on the next entry...

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